Lançado hoje: Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII

  1. #1

    Padrão Lançado hoje: Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII

    Ae pessoal
    parece que enfim saiu a tranqueira


    This expansion pack will significantly enhance the multiplayer combat
    experience by bringing the most unique and deadly weapons from the German
    and Allied laboratories to life on the battlefields of World War II.
    From classified, cutting edge weapons to secret forces and clandestine
    places, Secret Weapons of WWII, will add a new level of drama and
    excitement to the Battlefield 1942 experience. The expansion pack will
    feature many new vehicles and weapons that were extremely powerful, yet
    experimental. While these armaments and vehicles are rooted in World War II
    history, many never saw actual combat-until now.
    In Secret Weapons of WWII, players will engage in war with a choice of up
    to 46 vehicles to control. In addition to the 30 vehicles introduced in the
    original game such as fighter planes, tanks, and aircraft carriers, players
    can operate 16 new vehicles including the Horton HO 229 "Flying Wing" that
    is equipped with 30 mm machine guns and missiles. Other vehicles consist of
    a US Sherman tank with a T-34 Calliope rocket launcher, U.S. T95/T28 Super
    Heavy Tank, the Sturmtiger (naval gun mounted on Tiger tank), U.S. Goblin
    jetfighter, C-47 cargo plane that will serve as a mobile spawn point, the
    American Armstrong Whitworth AW-52 advanced fighter, the German Wasserfall
    guided anti-air missile and the German Natter rocket plane. Also, for the
    first time, Secret Weapons of WWII will give players the chance to fly and
    fight at the same time with a top secret German prototype Rocket Pack.
    There will be seven new weapons including one-shot kill knives. Other weapons
    include the Bren light machine gun, Remington Auto 5 shotgun and the Mauser
    K98 grenade rifle. Players can put these weapons to use in eight fresh World
    War II combat campaigns including Peenem ende, a V2 research facility, and
    The Eagle's Nest, Hitler's hideaway. All new battlefields offer unique
    settings ranging from nightfall during the summer in Prague to a winter
    battle in Norway. In addition to offering innovative weapons and vehicles,
    the game introduces British Commando and German Elite troops while enriching
    gameplay by adding a new "objective based" gameplay mode. In this new mode,
    players will be tasked with a specific objective such as destroying a secret
    facility in order to win the battle.

    parece que a "expansao" toda tem ao todo 720mb
    grande neh??
    agora correr atras pra pegar hehehe

  2. Publicidade

  3. #2


    Para jogar na net só com o original. Esse eu só compro depois que a comunidade de BF brasileira comprar.

  4. #3


    Sera outro RtR?! Eu acho simplismente um absurdo ter que comprar original pra jogar na net sendo que ja temos o original 'maezao' dos outros ja que de resto é como se fosse um mod.

  5. #4


    Joguei hj

    nao me entusiasmei muito nao

    poderia ser melhor

  6. #5

    Smile Re: Lançado hoje: Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII

    Originalmente enviada por Matusalens
    Ae pessoal

    parece que a "expansao" toda tem ao todo 720mb
    grande neh??
    Cara o jogo vai ter 2 CDS de 760MB

    Agora vc pode dizer que é grande !!!

    ehehhe nem peguei o demo para naum axar erros ..vou esperar o full!!

  7. #6

    Padrão Re: Re: Lançado hoje: Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII

    Originalmente enviada por =*=Vassili=*=
    Cara o jogo vai ter 2 CDS de 760MB

    Agora vc pode dizer que é grande !!!

    ehehhe nem peguei o demo para naum axar erros ..vou esperar o full!!
    como assim 2cds??
    eu ja to com ele full aqui e eh um cd soh cara
    inclusive ja joguei ele

  8. #7

    Padrão Re: Re: Re: Lançado hoje: Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII

    Originalmente enviada por Matusalens
    como assim 2cds??
    eu ja to com ele full aqui e eh um cd soh cara
    inclusive ja joguei ele
    realmente é 1 CD só..


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