Gravação de demos

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Gravação de demos

    Recording a COD Demo

    Recording demos with MOHAA wasn’t exactly straight forward, the developers left the record command out of the game, so we had to come up with a new way to do it. A lot of people tried different methods, and we now have a few different ways in which we can record demos.

    In COD however that’s different, the developers have left demo recording commands in the game, making it a much easier process to create demos. This tutorial will tell you how to record them ingame, and then the different options you have to convert them to avi for editing.

    Recording In Game

    To record your demo ingame, bring the console down and type

    /record filename

    For example /record demo1 that will create a file in your main/demos folder called demo1.

    To stop recording ingame, bring the console down and type


    That’s the easy bit done!

    Watching The Demo

    To watch the demo, launch COD and when on the main menu bring down the console and type

    /demo filename

    For example if you called it demo1, type /demo demo1

    Converting to AVI

    We have 3 options for this. One is to use an ingame command that outputs every frame as a screenshot, another way is to record with fraps and the final way is to use tvout.

    Option 1 – Ingame command

    This option will give you the best quality, but it does also require a fair amount of work. Playback your demo, and type /cl_avidemo 30 in the console, your screen will go fairly jerky and your FPS will hit the floor. What it is doing is taking a screenshot 30 times a second.

    Once you have your desired footage, you will have a LOT of screenshots in your screenshots folder. What you need to do is convert these from TGA to Jpeg. Theres 3 good programs that I tried this with and work very good.

    One is a program called reaconverter pro available from

    2jpeg, this is a command line based program and is very quick. You can get this from

    The last one, that I use is paint shop pro 7. from

    All of these programs are pretty simple to use, so I shouldn’t need to bother writing how to batch convert the files to jpeg.

    So now we have hundereds of jpeg files, we need to put them all together to make an avi file. My personal choice of program for this is a program called JPGVideo, you can get this from

    This is very simple to use also, simply launch the program and click configure. At the top choose the directory where all your jpeg images are, and underneath that the output for the avi file. Set the frames per second slider to 30 then hit Ok.

    On the next screen click run, it will then ask you which codec you want to use, at this point you can leave it uncompressed or compress it with your favouritre codec (divx personally)

    Once that process is done, you now have the .avi file which you can edit in premier or any other editing program.

    Option 2 – TvOut

    This uses the same method as how most MOHAA demos are made now, watch back the demo and record via TvOut. Many of you know how to do this already, but for those who don’t please read the tutorial written by mike here

    Option 3 – Fraps

    The most hated method in MOHAA, software based video capture. However the advantage of doing this in COD is that the low fps you get from recording wont effect your gameplay as your watching a video of yourself. This option takes a lot of HDD space and gives nice quality, however its not my personal choice.

    You can find information on fraps at


    Option 1 – Ingame commands: SUPERB Quality, you need a fair amount of HDD space though and it is a little time consuming.

    Option 2 – TvOut: High quality, easy to do once you have it setup

    Option 3 – Fraps: High quality, takes a lot of HDD space, but it doesn’t provide a smooth demo

    Personally I use option 1, the quality it provides more than makes up for the extra bit of time you put into making it, you can also compress straight to divx without messing about.

    This guide maybe hosted on any site as long as it has not being changed in anyway. It was written by Turkey on the 3rd of novemeber 2003.

  2. Publicidade

  3. #2


    Eu tinha postado ontem mas pedi pro long deletar pq o pessoal disse que nao tava conseguindo gravar demo

    dizia que os comandos estavam la mas nao funfavam

    alias na propria HELP do jogo diz que eles deixaram os comandos la mas a gravacao de demo NAO ira funcionar

    bom eh ver pra crer vou tirar a limpo isso hoje testando em casa

    mas pelo help do jogo a IW deixa bem claro que nao vai funcionar nem em SP nem MP

  4. #3


    nao sabia disso, mas de qualquer forma, tem um site dedicado a administração de servidor do COD..tem muita coisa boa la

  5. #4


    Originalmente enviada por Nigosky
    nao sabia disso, mas de qualquer forma, tem um site dedicado a administração de servidor do COD..tem muita coisa boa la
    eu to usando o

    peguei varios guides de server la hauha rox bagarai

    quero chegar em casa logo pra testar a parada de gravar demo

  6. #5


    bem...da para usar o TV out e o Fraps que vc conhece bem...hahahaha

  7. #6


    Originalmente enviada por Nigosky
    bem...da para usar o TV out e o Fraps que vc conhece bem...hahahaha
    tao o guide diz que tipo fica mais facil vc grava o demo e depois pode usar o fraps para passar ele para AVI

    mas gravando demo gera um arquivo bem pequeno entao eh mais rox pegar cheater e postar so o file com o demo aonde todos podem baixar e rodar nas suas proprias maquinas

    so espero que funciona

    Gravar demo rox!

  8. #7


    alguem que faze um filminhu? d=D

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