* Battlegrounds
o If a player dies 50 times or more in a battleground, they will no longer be worth honor for the remainder of that battle.
o When you first enter a battleground, messages about other players joining the battleground will be linked together for the first minute. You will see a message in AV like "28 players joined" rather than a line for each player that joined. After the first minute, it will work as it always has. In addition, all of the messages about other players leaving the battleground and getting marks of honor once the battleground is complete have been removed.
o Battleground Rune Buffs:Speed, Restoration, and Berserking buffs received from battleground runes will no longer cause Stealth or Prowl to break.
o Alterac Valley
+ Captain Balinda Stonehearth Stonehearth can no longer be interrupted, silenced, or have her spells slowed. In addition, her water elemental cannot be banished, and does increased damage.
+ Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their health totals reduced to match the health totals of Drek’Thar and Captain Galvangar...
+ Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other’s maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.
+ Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek’Thar and Frostwolf Keep.
+ There is now a Join as Party option.
o Warsong Gulch
+ When both flags are held, the flag carriers will receive 50% increased damage done to them after approximately 10 minutes and 100% increased damage after approximately 15 minutes.
+ Flag carriers can now be tracked 45 seconds after picking up the flag.
* Added several new tradeskill items to the new Sunwell Daily faction vendor:
o Enchanting recipe to shatter a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards.
o Enchanting recipe to increase Defense Rating by 15 for chest armor.
o Three jewelcrafting recipes to cut gems with spell haste from Dawnstones, Talasite, and noble Topaz.
o Two new meta gem recipes.
* Alchemy
o Gift of Arthas now stacks to 20.
o Transmute Arcanite no longer has a cooldown.
* Cooking
o Broiled Bloodfin now increases resistances to all schools of magic instead of increasing Stamina and Spirit.
o New recipes, Charred Bear Kabobs and Juicy Bear Burgers, can be purchased from either Bale (Horde) or Malygen (Alliance) in Felwood. These recipes requires 250 skill to learn, and are created from meat found on level 48-56 bears. This will aid players in leveling up their cooking skill to 300 without fishing.
* Enchanting
o Reduced the materials required for Enchant Shield – Resistance
* Engineering
o Gagsprocket in Ratchet now sells the plans for the Minor Recombobulator.
o Goblin Jumper Cables and Goblin Jumper Cables XL now display cooldown information in their tooltips.
o Removed the level requirement for the Craftsman's Monocle.
o The stun caused by engineering Bombs and Grenades is now considered an Incapacitate effect and uses the appropriate Incapacitate diminishing returns. Bomb and Grenades can now inflict damage to targets immune to Stun and Incapacitate effects.
o A new recipe has been added for Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite, a cloth version of the Rocket Boots Xtreme. This pattern drops from Mechano-Lord Capacitus.
o Rocket Boots Xtreme now have all their stat points allocated toward Attack Power, and will no longer have Stamina.
o Rocket Boots Xtreme and Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite will cause players to drop a PvP flag if used while carrying one. (Warsong Gulch, Eye of the Storm, and Zangarmarsh)
* Fishing
o New Fishing Daily Quests! Visit the mysterious old man fishing at Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath City to discover what treasures he has to offer.
o Find Fish now correctly tracks Schools of Tastyfish and Muddy Churning Waters.
o Feltail fishing nodes have been changed to Brackish Mixed Schools; they now produce mostly Golden Darters and some Feltail.
o Removed the level requirement from the expert fishing book, The Bass and You.
* Herbalism
o Ancient Lichen now has a chance to drop a Fel Lotus where it used to drop a piece of random green jewelry.
o Black Lotus replaced by Fel Lotus in herbalism skinning tables for Outland creatures.
o Increased the chance that Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Ragveil, and Flame Caps will contain a Fel Lotus.
o Warp Splinter can now be skinned with Herbalism in heroic difficulty.
* Jewelcrafting
o A new jewelcrafting recipe has been added to transform many green quality gems into a single random blue quality gem. This recipe is available from grandmaster jewelcrafting trainers.
* Leatherworking
o Shadow Oil will now fit into Leatherworking Bags.
* Mining
o Increased the skill up potential for most smelting recipes.
* New Daily Dungeon quests for both the heroic and non-heroic five-person Magister's Terrace dungeon at the Sunwell.
* Players can now turn in one of each battleground mark for an honor reward. The questgivers for this turn-in are the Horde Warbringer and the Alliance Brigadier General and can be found near the battlemasters in the capital cities.
* Dungeon and Group Quest Experience: The amount of experience awarded for dungeon and 5-person group quests in Outland has been increased in almost all cases.
* The daily quest Escape from Skettis has had its reward tuned down.
* The number of elite Shadowsworn Drakonid patrollers on the Ata'mal Terrace has been cut in half. Most of the remainder have had their patrol paths lengthened.
* Increased the slots on Old Blanchy's Feed Pouch to 8.
* The Thunderspike no longer sparkles for Alliance characters, nor does it show up on the mini-map when Find Treasure is in use.
* "Zapper Fuel" is now flagged as a Sunken Temple dungeon quest.
Dungeons and Raids
* All 25-player raid bosses have had their cash drops increased!
* All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop an additional token!
* Badges of Justice have been added to all raid bosses who did not previously have them!
* Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter Hyjal.
* Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter the Black Temple.
* Players who have completed the attunement quests for Black Temple and Hyjal will be granted the title of “Hand of A’dal”.
* You may now fight Prince Kael’thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.
* The Unstable Cloud and Frost Breath spells are now treated properly as a movement impairing spells.
* Non-corporeal Undead and Mechanical creatures are now susceptible to bleed effects.
* Elemental creatures are no longer explicitly immune to poison and disease effects. Elementals with nature school immunities will still be immune to nature-based poisons, however.
* Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped.
* Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased.
* Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate.
* Caverns of Time: Heroic Black Morass
o Rift Keepers and Rift Lords now have reduced hit points.
* Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal
o The Vials of Eternity quest is no longer necessary for entry to Hyjal. This quest is still required for faction rings.
o Azgalor's Rain of Fire now affects a smaller area.
* Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad
o The Human Illusion effect will now always be removed properly when a player leaves the instance.
o Durnholde Lookouts no longer spawn in the Heroic version of the instance. The placement of creatures around Durnholde Keep in Heroic mode is now identical to that of Normal mode.
* Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon’s Lair
o Many gameplay elements of the encounters in Magtheridon’s Lair have been changed to decrease their overall complexity and difficulty.
* Karazhan
o Players will no longer need the Master’s Key to enter Karazhan. The gates to Karazhan will still require the Master’s Key to be unlocked.
* Tempest Keep: The Eye
o The Vapor Clouds in the Kael'thas encounter are significantly easier to see.
o Void Reaver is now immune to Vindication again.
* Tempest Keep: The Mechanar
o The Mechanar: It is no longer possible to gain an additional Badge of Justice by bringing Cache of the Legion keys obtained in other copies of the instance.
* Zul’Aman
o Jan’alai will now only teleport players to him if they are too far away.
* Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality PvP items from reputation vendors.
* Avatar Regalia: The two-piece bonus from this set will now be consumed by Vampiric Embrace as intended.
* Bloody Brass Knuckles, Eerie Stable Lantern, Baelog's Shortbow, and Snakeskin Bag have been upgraded to Superior items.
* Blue Suede Shoes can now be disenchanted.
* Crystalforge Raiment: The two-piece set bonus will now work properly. Additionally, the four piece bonus will now only work on the next Holy Light cast, as intended.
* Cyclone Regalia: Trade skills will no longer consume the Energized effect.
* Darkmoon Card: Madness: The buffs from this item will no longer interrupt casting and channeling.
* Deadman's Hand: This item's effect now works while the victim is sitting. In addition, its effect is now properly considered a root for purposes of being dispelled or removed.
* Deathwing Brood Cloak: These cloaks are now bound on equip instead of bound on pickup.
* Druid Balance PvP Sets: The bonus movement speed for Bear, Cat, and Travel Form has been removed and replaced with a new bonus to Wrath and Starfire.
* Druid Restoration PvP Sets: The bonus movement speed for Bear, Cat, and Travel Form has been removed and replaced with a new bonus to Regrowth.
* Discombobulator Ray: This item will again not work on mounted players.
* Frostfire Regalia: The resistance bonus from this set now works with the Burning Crusade ranks of Mage Armor.
* Gladiator's Leather Gloves: This arena bonus will now properly school lock enemies when the damage from Deadly Throw causes them to stop channeling.
* The Gladiator’s Thunderfist 4 piece set bonus has been reduced from 70% to 50%.
* Gnomish Mind Control Cap: Victims of the Gnomish Mind Control Cap will no longer get Forbearance when the mind control is terminated due to Blessing of Protection.
* Gnomish Poultryizer: This item will again not work on mounted players.
* Goblin Rocket Launcher: Creatures will no longer gain health while affected by the Stun from this item.
* Heavy Netherweave Bandage: It is no longer possible to have two players bandage the same target simultaneously using this item.
* Netherweave Bandage: It is no longer possible to have two players bandage the same target simultaneously using this item.
* Idol of the Crescent Goddess: The mana discount on Regrowth has been increased.
* Idol of Feral Shadows: The bonus damage to Rip has been increased.
* Idol of the Raven Goddess: The bonus healing, critical strike rating, and spell critical strike rating from this item have been increased. In addition, it no longer sometimes fails to apply the healing bonus.
* Idol of the Unseen Moon: The cooldown added in a previous patch has been removed.
* Idol of Ursoc: The bonus damage to Lacerate has been increased and the tooltip clarified to indicate it applies to both initial and periodic damage.
* Idol of the White Stag: Duration increased.
* Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result.
* Jade Pendant of Blasting: This item no longer increases physical damage dealt.
* Justicar Raiment: The 2 piece bonus will now always give the correct amount of bonus healing to the Judgement Light effect.
* Libram of Absolute Truth: The Holy Light mana discount has been increased.
* Libram of Divine Purpose: The bonus damage on Seal and Judgment of Righteousness has been increased.
* Libram of Mending: The mana regeneration buff has had its duration increased. The name of the buff granted by this item changed to Grace of the Naaru to avoid having the same name as the Light’s Grace talent.
* Libram of Righteous Power: The bonus damage for Crusader Strike has been increased.
* Libram of Souls Redeemed: The bonus for Flash of Light has been decreased and the bonus for Holy Light has been increased.
* Libram of Wracking: This item now increases the damage on Holy Wrath and Exorcism instead of decreasing their mana cost.
* Nether Vortex are no longer Bind on Pickup and can now be purchased from G’eras for 15 Badges of Justice!
* Masquerade Gown: The spirit bonus from this item will now properly trigger all benefits from the Tree of Life talent.
* Masterwork Stormhammer: The Chain Lightning cast by this item will no longer jump to secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-control spells that break on taking damage. i.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.
* Mojo: A pvp-flagged player can no longer kiss Mojo and cause non-flagged players to become flagged.
* Moongraze Stag Tenderloin can now be consumed by hunter pets that eat meat.
* Noggenfogger Elixir: It is no longer possible using this item to keep the Old Hillsbrad human illusion outside of the instance.
* Paladin Healer Gladiator Sets: The set bonus changing Hammer of Justice cooldown has been changed to a set bonus increasing the amount healed by Holy Shock.
* Pendant of the Violet Eye: Paladin Judgment spells will again properly trigger this item.
* Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.
* Primal Nether are no longer Bind on Pickup!
* PvP Relics: The bonus resilience from Idols, Librams, and Totems is no longer stackable by swapping between multiple relics.
* Resilience has been added to all Retribution Paladin PvP gear.
* Added Shattrath Flask of Pure Death and Shattrath Flask of Blinding Light to the reputation flask vendors in Shattrath.
* Shaman Elemental PvP Sets: The resistance on Lightning Bolt spell pushback has been reduced to 50%.
* Shaman PvP Boots: The pre-Burning Crusade bonus to increase Ghost Wolf speed no longer works for players over level 60.
* Shattrath Flasks now work inside the Sunwell Plateau raid instance.
* Skull of Gul’dan: This item now shares its cooldown with other similar trinkets.
* Steam Tonk Controller: This item can no longer trigger the Warrior talent Second Wind when it is driven out of range by the Warrior.
* The On Use effect has been properly changed to passive for the following items: Blue Overalls, Brantwood Sash, Firewalker Boots, Gloves of Kapelan, Hellion Boots, Hibernal Gloves, Hibernal Pants, Kimbra Boots, Mistscape Gloves, Nightsky Trousers, Sacred Burial Trousers, Turquoise Sash, and Woolen Boots, Spinesever.
* Thunderstrike: The Chain Lightning cast by this item will no longer jump to secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-control spells that break on taking damage. i.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.
* Tome of the Lightbringer: The block value and buff duration have been increased.
* Totem of the Pulsing Earth: The mana discount for Lightning Bolt has been increased slightly.
* Vengeful Gladiator’s Waraxe: The weapon delay has been reduced.
* Weightstones and Sharpening Stones: The bonus damage from these temporary enchantments now works while shapeshifted.
* Winterfall Firewater: The tooltip no longer specifies only melee attack power.