O Fixed ALL melee problems where skulks can't hit marines in corners, where they can bite through floors, etc. (!!)
O Security fixes
O Changed default network settings to fix choke issues
O +resource messages should clip to commander UI
O Fixed "TooManyStructuresOfThisTypeNearby" not being translated
O Rewrite HL turrets to fix accuracy problems. They are nasty now, watch out. They may still need more tweaking.
O Death from OCs now report damage from OC instead of spike
O Damage and health changed for sentries and OCs (they now do small damage evenly instead of randomly hitting you for more)
O Lowered resource activation time from 120 seconds to 90 seconds for both sides to speed up alien game
O Lowered electrical damage from 30 to 25
O Removed remaining resource sucking code that sometimes made it tricky to build a res node
O Lowered turret factory radius from 450 to 400 (takes up too much of screen)
O Footstep changes
O New HA sounds (thanks Dave, just what I've always wanted!)
O Tried to synch up footsteps a bit better
O Gorge has pitter-patter now
O Walking now moves you roughly half-speed, and plays no footstep sounds. Not working perfectly all the time, but it's better.
O Added treadwater animations
O Lots of alien health and armor tweaking (lots of values changed in small amounts to preserve following relationships)
- Kept number rounded to 25's or 5's whenever possible
- Most damage upgrades change the number of bullets to kill vs. every lifeform and carapace level (ie, they are almost all effective)
- Level III carapace generally adds 50% damage capability to all aliens
- Level III carapace generally takes more shots vs. level 3 weapons then no carapace can take against level O weapons (carapace shouldn't be mandator, but should remain useful throughout)
- Fixed three bite problem (reverted armor back to pre 1.1r levels, affects marines and aliens)
O Fixed problems when aiming devour (no longer need to crouch)
O Infantry portals and phase gates now check to be sure there is room for spawning-players when placing them
O Aliens can no longer use phase gates (fixes Onos stuck problems and hopefully will encourage their use again)
O Electricity is now blocked by walls